Simple Pumpkin Spice Cake

This is the EASIEST pumpkin spice cake recipe ever! It is even easier than making a Starbucks run for a slice of pumpkin loaf and this lasts much longer. I am so excited that fall is right around the corner and I am stocking up on pumpkin everything. #Basic. I know, I know, but there is a reason everyone is obsessed with pumpkin and that is because it is so effin tasty!

To make the most simple and delicious cake you need 2 ingredients:

You just need 1 15 oz can of pumpkin and a box of cake mix. I used spice cake but you can use yellow, white or carrot too.

You just need 1 15 oz can of pumpkin and a box of cake mix. I used spice cake but you can use yellow, white or carrot too.

Mix everything together in a big bowl until all of the powdered mix is incorporated.


Follow the directions on the box for baking temps and times. Of course stick a toothpick (or chopstick like I did) in the center to make sure it is cooked all the way through. The toothpick/chopstick should come out clean.


Frost the cake and enjoy! Beware it is so delicious you will devour it quick!

I used a cream cheese frosting and sprinkled pumpkin spice on top.

I used a cream cheese frosting and sprinkled pumpkin spice on top.


Spaghetti Squash

As I have said many times, I try my best to eat healthy when I am flying. It truly changes your energy levels on absolutely exhausting days and keeps an uncomfortable flight attendant uniform from getting a little too tight. A flight attendant may look polished and put together, but I promise its not easy to fake looking that good in polyester. Which brings me to the reason I even toyed with the idea of spaghetti squash. I am Italian. I love REAL pasta and any and every carb. I don’t love my ass when I indulge too much so I thought I would try spaghetti squash and if it was as awful as I was envisioning, I would only lose about $5 and 30 minutes prep and cooking time.

Fast forward to my first bite. I am totally hooked. I just finished packing it for my upcoming 3 day trip and it is the 3rd time this month I have made it. Obsessed much???

Here is how to put together a spaghetti squash meal that an Italian would enjoy.

First, pick up a spaghetti squash. That is what the actual squash is called. I honestly didn't know this until I researched online.

First, pick up a spaghetti squash. That is what the actual squash is called. I honestly didn’t know this until I researched online.

Cut said squash in half, place facedown on parchment paper and broil on hi for 20 minutes. The skin will burn but the meat inside will be tender.

Cut said squash in half, place facedown on parchment paper and broil on hi for 20 minutes. The skin will burn but the meat inside will be tender. Turn over and sprinkle salt, pepper and olive oil on top and bake at 375 for 35 minutes or until tender.

When the squash is cool to the touch use a fork to scrape out the insides. It instantly takes on the look of spaghetti, no special fork-ing technique required!

When the squash is cool to the touch use a fork to scrape out the insides. It instantly takes on the look of spaghetti, no special fork-ing technique required!

The first time I made this I wanted to make a non-traditional mariana sauce. I didn’t want to pretend I was eating a hearty pasta dish only to be let down (I had such low expectations) so I made a sweet red bell pepper sauce.

To make the sauce I diced a large yellow onion, half a bulb of garlic and a large red bell pepper. I sauteed them in oilve oil until cooked and added this can of Hunts tomatoes. I quickly pureed everything in a blender until the texture was desirable.

To make the sauce I diced a large yellow onion, half a bulb of garlic and a large red bell pepper. I sauteed them in oilve oil until cooked and added this can of Hunts tomatoes. I seasoned with a lot of oregano and parsley. I quickly pureed everything in a blender until the texture was desirable.

The final and best step, top with sauce and mangia!



I also like to make the squash and top it with cracked black pepper (probably more than the general public would appreciate) olive oil and shredded parmesan cheese. You truly can’t tell this is not pasta. I hope you enjoy!

Easy Acai

I became an acai bowl addict after a few back to back layovers in LA. My new healthy habit is a little too expensive to keep up with nearly every day so I took it upon myself to figure out a way to make equally tasty bowls at home. If you are able to make a smoothie, then you can totally make this fun, delicious breakfast or snack.

For the base I use a frozen acai berry pack (found in the freezer section in Target. Can that store get any better?) I thaw out the berry, blend with a frozen banana and a tablespoon of almond butter.

Ingredients for the base in my nutribullet.

Ingredients for the base in my nutribullet.

The 'after' shot

The ‘after’ shot

It is as simple as that. Then just add your choice of toppings. I like granola and toasted coconut chips.

My complete breakfast bowl.

My complete breakfast bowl.

The acai berry bowl is a great breakfast option because it is very low in sugar, high in fiber and antioxidants. Acai extract is said to boost energy levels and fight exhaustion. Pair that with a good cup of coffee and your day is off to a great start!

Easy, Healthy Cookies

I try to eat super healthy when I am flying because I notice it makes a big difference in my immune system and my energy levels. It is hard enough to be away from my friends, family and pets when I am on layovers, so I want to make sure I take care of myself so I have one less thing keeping me from feeling down. These cookies are so easy and they are good for you! I usually have one for breakfast, typically with airplane coffee, and they hold me over until lunch time. Or mid-morning snack time because truth be told I am constantly hungry while flying!

You only need 4 ingredients:

*4 ripe bananas

*2 cups of Instant Oats

*Protein powder (I like a vanilla flavored one)

*1 tablespoon cinnamon

In a large bowl mash the bananas with a fork

cookies 1

Add two scoops protein powder, 2 cups of instant oats and the cinnamon and mix until it forms a doughy texture.

cookies 2

Scoop onto a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 350 or until the centers are firm.

Thats it! They are so easy and really moist and delicious. These are the perfect breakfast cookies to give me energy, protein and a serving of fruit when I am flying the friendly skies. Hope you enjoy!

cookies 3